Policies and Forms

Our Policies and Consent Forms

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Waterford: (804) 918-5526 | Bon Air: (804) 267-5685

Salon Policies and Forms to Be Signed

Bows & Bones is happy to groom your pet. We wish to offer a happy and comfortable grooming experience for your pets and have laid out a few policies to ensure the safety of your pet, our groomers, and other pets. Please reach out to our staff if you have any questions related to our policies. 

We’ll require proof of rabies (no tags) for your pet and recommend that your pet is up to date on all vaccinations. You must wait 24 hours after vaccination for our services.

Pickup and Drop-Off Policy

Drop-Off Policy: We request all of you to be on time to finish all services within the stipulated time. Being on time will help groomers and other clients. If you are late, we would like you to let us know as early as possible, so we don’t mark a ‘no show’ for you. 

If you are late by more than 15 minutes, we will push your appointment to a different time slot if it is open. If a time slot is unavailable on the same day, we will have to reschedule your appointment. 

Pickup Policy: We may take 2-4 hours to complete the grooming session. Even though we have a safe kennel to keep your pets after grooming, we would rather have you pick them up within an hour after the session. If you need all day drop off please let the receptionist know when you book your appointment. 

If you are delayed for pick up, please keep our staff informed. Repeated incidents of late pickup will attract a fee of up to $15.00. The last pick up on any given day is no later than 3:45 pm.

Learn More About Our Policies

Call us for a FREE consultation!

Waterford: (804) 918-5526

Bon Air: (804) 267-5685


They always have my dog looking like a new dog when I come to pick him up. They are on time and efficient, and most of all, super friendly.

- Samantha Ann Byrum

Matted Policy

If your pets have matted coats, there is a greater risk of nicking, scratching, cuts, etc. during the grooming process. The skin may also appear red or itchy after the session. We cannot be held responsible for the injury that your pet may sustain during the grooming process or any after-effects. 

To avoid issues while grooming, we suggest that you brush regularly at home for 4-8 weeks before you take them for a grooming session. Our staff will be happy to show you brushing techniques to handle the matted coats.

Depending on the severity of the matting, there may be an extra fee ($10-$20). If we see that your pet is uncomfortable while matting, we will stop immediately. If we do not have the permission to go short or shave your pet, you’ll have to take your pet back as is. A fee for the services already completed will be charged.  

Flea and Tick Policy

If your pet has fleas, a bath can be given at an additional minimum cost of $20.00, which covers the special shampoo, time, and extra cleanup to ensure no fleas or ticks are active in our salon. This cleanup needs to be done immediately after you arrive at the salon to avoid flea infestation of other pets.

Please know that flea shampoo will only kill the ones that are there on your pet. You must clean your home or the kennel to kill the fleas and ensure no re-infestation.

If ticks are not attached to your pet, our staff will remove them. If we do not feel we can safely remove it, we will refer you to your vet. We highly recommend your pet be on a regular monthly flea and tick preventative. For more information on Flea & Tick Prevention, please ask your groomer or vet.

Health / Medical Problems or Senior Dogs Policy

For senior dogs and dogs with medical issues, we’ll take extra care to suit the grooming to their comfort. Our focus will be on comfort and not perfection. You must let us know of any medical, physical, or emotional issues, allergies, sensitivities, or preexisting conditions. 

These conditions may include but are not limited to prior surgeries, hip and / or joint issues, arthritis, warts, moles, ear infections, skin problems, etc. The owner will also inform us of new conditions as they arise.

By signing the form, the owner is stating that Bows & Bones has permission to groom their senior dog and has discussed all (past and present) health problems.

Policy for Pregnant Pets and Pets in Heat

Bows & Bones does not groom pets that are in heat, pregnant, or nursing for the safety of your pet.

Aggressive Animals or Behavior Issues Policy

If you fail to notify us of any potential danger or behavioral issue, you are liable for all medical fees, out-of-work compensation, and all property damages. We may not be able to complete grooming on pets that pose a threat to themselves, other pets, or our groomers. 

We reserve the right to muzzle any dog. If the pet doesn’t respond well to muzzling, we will stop the grooming immediately. We will not groom extremely aggressive pets.

All bites will be reported to local authorities as required by law. Bows & Bones has the right to refuse grooming services, stop grooming services, or cancel grooming services at any time before, during, or after grooming, and a fee may be charged for the services completed up to that point. 

We reserve the right to charge a special handling fee of up to $10.00 for pets that have a repetitive behavioral problem.

Pets that bark excessively should be picked up immediately after the session. Kennel aggressive and dog aggressive pets must also be picked up immediately after the grooming is completed.

Express Groom Services Policy

For pets that exhibit behavioral problems or senior dogs, dogs with medical issues, extremely anxious dogs or owners, dogs that don’t like kennels, dog aggressive pets, etc. your groomer may suggest that you schedule an “express groom” appointment from Tuesday to Friday. 

With express groom appointments, your dog will be given the first slot for grooming, so they are the first in and the first out of the day. A fee of $10.00 is charged for express groom service. Immediate pickup is advised. 

This service eliminates the regular 2-4 hour estimated wait. Owners who prefer their dogs aren’t kenneled or want them back quicker may request an express groom service. The time taken to complete the grooming session depends on the dog and their cooperation.

Satisfaction Policy

We always strive to offer the best services! If you want something changed, please let us know at check out. Please note that no two groomers groom the same. You can try out the services of another groomer if you are unhappy with the previous groomer. Please note that visits for adjustments will only be accepted 24 hours after your appointment.

By signing the Grooming Consent Form, you indicate that you understand and agree to our terms of service.

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Bows & Bones Pet Grooming

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